Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Brief History of

Human Computer Interaction Technology

Brad A. Myers

Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical
Report CMU-CS-96-163

Human Computer Interaction Institute
Technical Report CMU-HCII-96-103

December, 1996

Please cite this work as:

Brad A. Myers. "A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction
ACM interactions. Vol. 5, no. 2, March, 1998. pp. 44-54.

Human Computer Interaction Institute

School of Computer Science

Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891


This article summarizes the historical development of major advances in
human-computer interaction technology, emphasizing the pivotal role of
university research in the advancement of the field.

Copyright (c) 1996 -- Carnegie Mellon University

A short excerpt from this article appeared as part of "Strategic Directions
Human Computer Interaction," edited by Brad Myers, Jim Hollan, Isabel Cruz,
ACM Computing Surveys, 28(4), December 1996

This research was partially sponsored by NCCOSC under Contract No.
N66001-94-C-6037, Arpa Order No. B326 and partially by NSF under grant number
IRI-9319969. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those
the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official
policies, either expressed or implied, of NCCOSC or the U.S. Government.

Keywords: Human Computer Interaction, History, User Interfaces,
Interaction Techniques.


Research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has been spectacularly
and has fundamentally changed computing. Just one example is the ubiquitous
graphical interface used by Microsoft Windows 95, which is based on the
Macintosh, which is based on work at Xerox PARC, which in turn is based on
early research at the Stanford Research Laboratory (now SRI) and at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Another example is that virtually
software written today employs user interface toolkits and interface builders,
concepts which were developed first at universities. Even the spectacular
growth of the World-Wide Web is a direct result of HCI research: applying
hypertext technology to browsers allows one to traverse a link across the
with a click of the mouse. Interface improvements more than anything else
triggered this explosive growth. Furthermore, the research that will lead
the user interfaces for the computers of tomorrow is happening at universities
and a few corporate research labs.

This paper tries to briefly summarize many of the important research
developments in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) technology. By "research,"
mean exploratory work at universities and government and corporate research
labs (such as Xerox PARC) that is not directly related to products. By "HCI
technology," I am referring to the computer side of HCI. A companion article
on the history of the "human side," discussing the contributions from
psychology, design, human factors and ergonomics would also be appropriate.

A motivation for this article is to overcome the mistaken impression that
of the important work in Human-Computer Interaction occurred in industry,
if university research in Human-Computer Interaction is not supported, then
industry will just carry on anyway. This is simply not true. This paper
to show that many of the most famous HCI successes developed by companies
deeply rooted in university research. In fact, virtually all of today's
interface styles and applications have had significant influence from research
at universities and labs, often with government funding. To illustrate this,
this paper lists the funding sources of some of the major advances. Without
this research, many of the advances in the field of HCI would probably not
taken place, and as a consequence, the user interfaces of commercial products
would be far more difficult to use and learn than they are today. As described
by Stu Card:

"Government funding of advanced human-computer interaction technologies built
the intellectual capital and trained the research teams for pioneer systems
that, over a period of 25 years, revolutionized how people interact with
computers. Industrial research laboratories at the corporate level in Xerox,
IBM, AT&T, and others played a strong role in developing this technology
and bringing it into a form suitable for the commercial arena." [6, p.

Figure 1 shows time lines for some of the technologies discussed in this
article. Of course, a deeper analysis would reveal much interaction between
the university, corporate research and commercial activity streams. It is
important to appreciate that years of research are involved in creating and
making these technologies ready for widespread use. The same will be true
the HCI technologies that will provide the interfaces of tomorrow.

It is clearly impossible to list every system and source in a paper of this
scope, but I have tried to represent the earliest and most influential systems.
Although there are a number of other surveys of HCI topics (see, for example
[1] [10] [33] [38]), none cover as many aspects as this one, or try to be
comprehensive in finding the original influences. Another useful resource
the video "All The Widgets," which shows the historical progression of a
of user interface ideas [25].

The technologies covered in this paper include fundamental interaction styles
like direct manipulation, the mouse pointing device, and windows; several
important kinds of application areas, such as drawing, text editing and
spreadsheets; the technologies that will likely have the biggest impact on
interfaces of the future, such as gesture recognition, multimedia, and 3D;
the technologies used to create interfaces using the other technologies,
such as user interface management systems, toolkits, and interface builders.

Figure 1: Approximate time lines showing where work was performed
some major technologies discussed in this article.

Basic Interactions

  • Direct Manipulation of graphical objects: The now ubiquitous
    manipulation interface, where visible objects on the screen are directly
    manipulated with a pointing device, was first demonstrated by Ivan Sutherland
    in Sketchpad [44], which was his 1963 MIT PhD thesis. SketchPad supported
    manipulation of objects using a light-pen, including grabbing objects, moving
    them, changing size, and using constraints. It contained the seeds of myriad
    important interface ideas. The system was built at Lincoln Labs with support
    from the Air Force and NSF. William Newman's Reaction Handler [30], created
    Imperial College, London (1966-67) provided direct manipulation of graphics,
    and introduced "Light Handles," a form of graphical potentiometer, that was
    probably the first "widget." Another early system was AMBIT/G (implemented
    MIT's Lincoln Labs, 1968, ARPA funded). It employed, among other interface
    techniques, iconic representations, gesture recognition, dynamic menus with
    items selected using a pointing device, selection of icons by pointing, and
    moded and mode-free styles of interaction. David Canfield Smith coined the
    term "icons" in his 1975 Stanford PhD thesis on Pygmalion [41] (funded by
    and NIMH) and Smith later popularized icons as one of the chief designers
    the Xerox Star [42]. Many of the interaction techniques popular in direct
    manipulation interfaces, such as how objects and text are selected, opened,
    manipulated, were researched at Xerox PARC in the 1970's. In particular,
    idea of "WYSIWYG" (what you see is what you get) originated there with systems
    such as the Bravo text editor and the Draw drawing program [10] The concept
    direct manipulation interfaces for everyone was envisioned by Alan Kay of
    PARC in a 1977 article about the "Dynabook" [16]. The first commercial systems
    to make extensive use of Direct Manipulation were the Xerox Star (1981) [42],
    the Apple Lisa (1982) [51] and Macintosh (1984) [52]. Ben Shneiderman at
    University of Maryland coined the term "Direct Manipulation" in 1982 and
    identified the components and gave psychological foundations [40].

  • The Mouse: The mouse was developed at Stanford Research Laboratory
    (now SRI) in 1965 as part of the NLS project (funding from ARPA, NASA, and
    ADC) [9] to be a cheap replacement for light-pens, which had been used at
    since 1954 [10, p. 68]. Many of the current uses of the mouse were
    demonstrated by Doug Engelbart as part of NLS in a movie created in 1968
    The mouse was then made famous as a practical input device by Xerox PARC
    in the
    1970's. It first appeared commercially as part of the Xerox Star (1981),
    Three Rivers Computer Company's PERQ (1981) [23], the Apple Lisa (1982),
    Apple Macintosh (1984).

  • Windows: Multiple tiled windows were demonstrated in Engelbart's
    in 1968 [8]. Early research at Stanford on systems like COPILOT (1974) [46]
    and at MIT with the EMACS text editor (1974) [43] also demonstrated tiled
    windows. Alan Kay proposed the idea of overlapping windows in his 1969
    University of Utah PhD thesis [15] and they first appeared in 1974 in his
    Smalltalk system [11] at Xerox PARC, and soon after in the InterLisp system
    [47]. Some of the first commercial uses of windows were on Lisp Machines
    (LMI) and Symbolics Lisp Machines (1979), which grew out of MIT AI Lab
    projects. The Cedar Window Manager from Xerox PARC was the first major tiled
    window manager (1981) [45], followed soon by the Andrew window manager [32]
    Carnegie Mellon University's Information Technology Center (1983, funded
    IBM). The main commercial systems popularizing windows were the Xerox Star
    (1981), the Apple Lisa (1982), and most importantly the Apple Macintosh (1984).
    The early versions of the Star and Microsoft Windows were tiled, but eventually
    they supported overlapping windows like the Lisa and Macintosh. The X Window
    System, a current international standard, was developed at MIT in 1984 [39].
    For a survey of window managers, see [24].

Application Types

  • Drawing programs: Much of the current technology was
    demonstrated in
    Sutherland's 1963 Sketchpad system. The use of a mouse for graphics was
    demonstrated in NLS (1965). In 1968 Ken Pulfer and Grant Bechthold at the
    National Research Council of Canada built a mouse out of wood patterned after
    Engelbart's and used it with a key-frame animation system to draw all the
    frames of a movie. A subsequent movie, "Hunger" in 1971 won a number of
    awards, and was drawn using a tablet instead of the mouse (funding by the
    National Film Board of Canada) [3]. William Newman's Markup (1975) was the
    first drawing program for Xerox PARC's Alto, followed shortly by Patrick
    Baudelaire's Draw which added handling of lines and curves [10, p. 326].
    first computer painting program was probably Dick Shoup's "Superpaint" at

  • Text Editing: In 1962 at the Stanford Research Lab, Engelbart
    proposed, and later implemented, a word processor with automatic word wrap,
    search and replace, user-definable macros, scrolling text, and commands to
    move, copy, and delete characters, words, or blocks of text. Stanford's
    (1965) was one of the first CRT-based display editors that was widely used
    [48]. The Hypertext Editing System [50, p. 108] from Brown University had
    screen editing and formatting of arbitrary-sized strings with a lightpen
    1967 (funding from IBM). NLS demonstrated mouse-based editing in 1968.
    from MIT was an early screen-editor (1967) and EMACS [43] developed from
    it in
    1974. Xerox PARC's Bravo [10, p. 284] was the first WYSIWYG editor-formatter
    (1974). It was designed by Butler Lampson and Charles Simonyi who had started
    working on these concepts around 1970 while at Berkeley. The first commercial
    WYSIWYG editors were the Star, LisaWrite and then MacWrite. For a survey
    text editors, see [22] [50, p. 108].

  • Spreadsheets: The initial spreadsheet was VisiCalc which was developed
    by Frankston and Bricklin (1977-8) for the Apple II while they were students
    MIT and the Harvard Business School. The solver was based on a
    dependency-directed backtracking algorithm by Sussman and Stallman at the
    AI Lab.

  • HyperText: The idea for hypertext (where documents are linked
    related documents) is credited to Vannevar Bush's famous MEMEX idea from
    [4]. Ted Nelson coined the term "hypertext" in 1965 [29]. Engelbart's NLS
    system [8] at the Stanford Research Laboratories in 1965 made extensive use
    linking (funding from ARPA, NASA, and Rome ADC). The "NLS Journal" [10,
    212] was one of the first on-line journals, and it included full linking
    articles (1970). The Hypertext Editing System, jointly designed by Andy
    Dam, Ted Nelson, and two students at Brown University (funding from IBM)
    distributed extensively [49]. The University of Vermont's PROMIS (1976)
    the first Hypertext system released to the user community. It was used to
    patient and patient care information at the University of Vermont's medical
    center. The ZOG project (1977) from CMU was another early hypertext system,
    and was funded by ONR and DARPA [36]. Ben Shneiderman's Hyperties was the
    first system where highlighted items in the text could be clicked on to go
    other pages (1983, Univ. of Maryland) [17]. HyperCard from Apple (1988)
    significantly helped to bring the idea to a wide audience. There have been
    many other hypertext systems through the years. Tim Berners-Lee used the
    hypertext idea to create the World Wide Web in 1990 at the government-funded
    European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN). Mosaic, the first popular
    hypertext browser for the World-Wide Web was developed at the Univ. of
    Illinois' National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA). For a more
    complete history of HyperText, see [31].

  • Computer Aided Design (CAD): The same 1963 IFIPS conference at
    Sketchpad was presented also contained a number of CAD systems, including
    Ross's Computer-Aided Design Project at MIT in the Electronic Systems Lab
    and Coons' work at MIT with SketchPad [7]. Timothy Johnson's pioneering
    on the interactive 3D CAD system Sketchpad 3 [13] was his 1963 MIT MS thesis
    (funded by the Air Force). The first CAD/CAM system in industry was probably
    General Motor's DAC-1 (about 1963).

  • Video Games: The first graphical video game was probably SpaceWar
    Slug Russel of MIT in 1962 for the PDP-1 [19, p. 49] including the first
    computer joysticks. The early computer Adventure game was created by Will
    Crowther at BBN, and Don Woods developed this into a more sophisticated
    Adventure game at Stanford in 1966 [19, p. 132]. Conway's game of LIFE was
    implemented on computers at MIT and Stanford in 1970. The first popular
    commercial game was Pong (about 1976).

Up-and-Coming Areas

  • Gesture Recognition: The first pen-based input device,
    the RAND
    tablet, was funded by ARPA. Sketchpad used light-pen gestures (1963).
    Teitelman in 1964 developed the first trainable gesture recognizer. A very
    early demonstration of gesture recognition was Tom Ellis' GRAIL system on
    RAND tablet (1964, ARPA funded). It was quite common in light-pen-based
    systems to include some gesture recognition, for example in the AMBIT/G system
    (1968 -- ARPA funded). A gesture-based text editor using proof-reading symbols
    was developed at CMU by Michael Coleman in 1969. Bill Buxton at the University
    of Toronto has been studying gesture-based interactions since 1980. Gesture
    recognition has been used in commercial CAD systems since the 1970s, and
    to universal notice with the Apple Newton in 1992.

  • Multi-Media: The FRESS project at Brown used multiple windows
    integrated text and graphics (1968, funding from industry). The Interactive
    Graphical Documents project at Brown was the first hypermedia (as opposed
    hypertext) system, and used raster graphics and text, but not video (1979-1983,
    funded by ONR and NSF). The Diamond project at BBN (starting in 1982, DARPA
    funded) explored combining multimedia information (text, spreadsheets,
    graphics, speech). The Movie Manual at the Architecture Machine Group (MIT)
    was one of the first to demonstrate mixed video and computer graphics in
    (DARPA funded).

  • 3-D: The first 3-D system was probably Timothy Johnson's 3-D CAD
    system mentioned above (1963, funded by the Air Force). The "Lincoln Wand"
    Larry Roberts was an ultrasonic 3D location sensing system, developed at
    Lincoln Labs (1966, ARPA funded). That system also had the first interactive
    3-D hidden line elimination. An early use was for molecular modelling [18].
    The late 60's and early 70's saw the flowering of 3D raster graphics research
    at the University of Utah with Dave Evans, Ivan Sutherland, Romney, Gouraud,
    Phong, and Watkins, much of it government funded. Also, the
    military-industrial flight simulation work of the 60's - 70's led the way
    making 3-D real-time with commercial systems from GE, Evans&Sutherland,
    Singer/Link (funded by NASA, Navy, etc.). Another important center of current
    research in 3-D is Fred Brooks' lab at UNC (e.g. [2]).

  • Virtual Reality and "Augmented Reality": The original work on
    VR was
    performed by Ivan Sutherland when he was at Harvard (1965-1968, funding
    by Air
    Force, CIA, and Bell Labs). Very important early work was by Tom Furness
    he was at Wright-Patterson AFB. Myron Krueger's early work at the University
    of Connecticut was influential. Fred Brooks' and Henry Fuch's groups at
    did a lot of early research, including the study of force feedback (1971,
    funding from US Atomic Energy Commission and NSF). Much of the early research
    on head-mounted displays and on the DataGlove was supported by NASA.

  • Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Doug Engelbart's 1968
    demonstration of NLS [8] included the remote participation of multiple people
    at various sites (funding from ARPA, NASA, and Rome ADC). Licklider and
    predicted on-line interactive communities in an 1968 article [20] and
    speculated about the problem of access being limited to the privileged.
    Electronic mail, still the most widespread multi-user software, was enabled
    the ARPAnet, which became operational in 1969, and by the Ethernet from Xerox
    PARC in 1973. An early computer conferencing system was Turoff's EIES system
    at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (1975).

  • Natural language and speech: The fundamental research for speech
    natural language understanding and generation has been performed at CMU,
    SRI, BBN, IBM, AT&T Bell Labs and BellCore, much of it government funded.
    See, for example, [34] for a survey of the early work.

Software Tools and Architectures

The area of user interface software tools is quite active now, and
companies are selling tools. Most of today's applications are implemented
using various forms of software tools. For a more complete survey and
discussion of UI tools, see [26].

  • UIMSs and Toolkits: (There are software libraries and tools
    support creating interfaces by writing code.) The first User Interface
    Management System (UIMS) was William Newman's Reaction Handler [30] created
    Imperial College, London (1966-67 with SRC funding). Most of the early work
    was done at universities (Univ. of Toronto with Canadian government funding,
    George Washington Univ. with NASA, NSF, DOE, and NBS funding, Brigham Young
    University with industrial funding, etc.). The term "UIMS" was coined by
    Kasik at Boeing (1982) [14]. Early window managers such as Smalltalk (1974)
    and InterLisp, both from Xerox PARC, came with a few widgets, such as popup
    menus and scrollbars. The Xerox Star (1981) was the first commercial system
    have a large collection of widgets. The Apple Macintosh (1984) was the first
    to actively promote its toolkit for use by other developers to enforce a
    consistent interface. An early C++ toolkit was InterViews [21], developed
    Stanford (1988, industrial funding). Much of the modern research is being
    performed at universities, for example the Garnet (1988) [28] and Amulet
    (1994) [27] projects at CMU (ARPA funded), and subArctic at Georgia Tech
    funding by Intel and NSF).

  • Interface Builders: (These are interactive tools that allow interfaces
    composed of widgets such as buttons, menus and scrollbars to be placed using
    mouse.) The Steamer project at BBN (1979-85; ONR funding) demonstrated many
    the ideas later incorporated into interface builders and was probably the
    object-oriented graphics system. Trillium [12] was developed at Xerox PARC
    1981. Another early interface builder was the MenuLay system [5] developed
    Bill Buxton at the University of Toronto (1983, funded by the Canadian
    Government). The Macintosh (1984) included a "Resource Editor" which allowed
    widgets to be placed and edited. Jean-Marie Hullot created "SOS Interface"
    Lisp for the Macintosh while working at INRIA (1984, funded by the French
    government) which was the first modern "interface builder." Hullot built
    into a commercial product in 1986 and then went to work for NeXT and created
    the NeXT Interface Builder (1988), which popularized this type of tool.
    there are literally hundreds of commercial interface builders.

  • Component Architectures: The idea of creating interfaces by connecting
    separately written components was first demonstrated in the Andrew project
    by Carnegie Mellon University's Information Technology Center (1983, funded
    IBM). It is now being widely popularized by Microsoft's OLE and Apple's
    OpenDoc architectures.


It is clear that all of the most important innovations in Human-Computer
Interaction have benefited from research at both corporate research labs
universities, much of it funded by the government. The conventional style
graphical user interfaces that use windows, icons, menus and a mouse and
are in
a phase of standardization, where almost everyone is using the same, standard
technology and just making minute, incremental changes. Therefore, it is
important that university, corporate, and government-supported research
continue, so that we can develop the science and technology needed for the
interfaces of the future.

Another important argument in favor of HCI research in universities is that
computer science students need to know about user interface issues. User
interfaces are likely to be one of the main value-added competitive advantages
of the future, as both hardware and basic software become commodities. If
students do not know about user interfaces, they will not serve industry
It seems that only through computer science does HCI research disseminate
into products. Furthermore, without appropriate levels of funding of academic
HCI research, there will be fewer PhD graduates in HCI to perform research
corporate labs, and fewer top-notch graduates in this area will be interested
in being professors, so the needed user interface courses will not be

As computers get faster, more of the processing power is being devoted to
user interface. The interfaces of the future will use gesture recognition,
speech recognition and generation, "intelligent agents," adaptive interfaces,
video, and many other technologies now being investigated by research groups
universities and corporate labs [35]. It is imperative that this research
continue and be well-supported.


I must thank a large number of people who responded to posts of earlier
versions of this article on the announcements.chi mailing list for their
generous help, and to Jim Hollan who helped edit the short excerpt of this
article. Much of the information in this article was supplied by (in
alphabetical order): Stacey Ashlund, Meera M. Blattner, Keith Butler, Stuart
Card, Bill Curtis, David E. Damouth, Dan Diaper, Dick Duda, Tim T.K. Dudley,
Steven Feiner, Harry Forsdick, Bjorn Freeman-Benson, John Gould, Wayne Gray,
Mark Green, Fred Hansen, Bill Hefley, D. Austin Henderson, Jim Hollan,
Jean-Marie Hullot, Rob Jacob, Bonnie John, Sandy Kobayashi, T.K. Landauer,
Leggett, Roger Lighty, Marilyn Mantei, Jim Miller, William Newman, Jakob
Nielsen, Don Norman, Dan Olsen, Ramesh Patil, Gary Perlman, Dick Pew, Ken
Jim Rhyne, Ben Shneiderman, John Sibert, David C. Smith, Elliot Soloway,
Richard Stallman, Ivan Sutherland, Dan Swinehart, John Thomas, Alex Waibel,
Marceli Wein, Mark Weiser, Alan Wexelblat, and Terry Winograd. Editorial
comments were also provided by the above as well as Ellen Borison, Rich
McDaniel, Rob Miller, Bernita Myers, Yoshihiro Tsujino, and the reviewers.


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